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Local Foraging Class - Prep Den

Local Foraging Class - Prep Den

Here’s some follow-up info from Heather regarding the excellent local foraging class she led:
  • After class we went up Bunco Road towards Athol and found many plants off the road that were more in season so, if you would like to go practice your knowledge, you may want to consider heading there.
  • One more point about mullein – It can also be used as a sedative for fish in a survival situation. For fish in a small pool, or if a person can make a smaller pool within any body of water, mullein leaves can be sprinkled in the water and it will put the fish to sleep. It is easier to catch them that way. One would have to experiment with the amount needed this is a skill shared by Joseph's dad who was a Green Beret and was in many survival situations.
  1. Edible and Medicinal Plants of the Rockies by Linda Kershaw. Available on Amazon or eBay.
  2. Pocket Guide to Edible Plants of Idaho, Northeast Washington, and British Columbia by Dawn Trammell. Available at U.S. Tactical in Post Falls, Flour Mill Natural Foods in Hayden or, order at:
About Heather
Heather Greenman has been making historical survival foods for three years and started Sly Bear Native Survival Foods under inspiration from the Holy Spirit. He impressed upon her the need to help others be prepared and recognize the lack of nutritious, healthy survival food, that was lightweight and easily transported and fit into a bug out bag.

The Prep Den
Here are a couple of links to foraging-related Prep Den products. Everything in the shop remains 20% off for now - order online and I can deliver locally or you can pick up.
Also, I posted a few pics on our FB page.
Images of the day:
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