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The Prep Pyramid

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The Prep Pyramid

At The Prep Den, we understand the importance of being prepared for any situation. That's why we have created the Prep Pyramid, a visual representation of all the essential elements of prepping. Whether you're a seasoned prepper or just starting out, the Prep Pyramid will serve as your guide to ensure you have everything you need to weather any storm.

Let's take a closer look at each level of the Prep Pyramid:

Barter Items

Barter items are valuable commodities that can be used for trade in a post-disaster scenario. They can include items like batteries, matches, and even non-perishable food items. Having a stockpile of barter items ensures that you have a means of exchange when traditional currency becomes obsolete.

Storage and Organization

Proper storage and organization are key to maintaining a well-prepared stockpile. This level of the Prep Pyramid focuses on techniques and tools for storing and organizing your supplies efficiently. From shelving units to storage containers, having a system in place will make it easier to access and rotate your supplies.

Hunting and Home Defense

In a long-term survival situation, the ability to hunt for food and protect your home becomes crucial. This level of the Prep Pyramid covers everything from hunting gear to home security systems. By being self-sufficient in these areas, you can ensure the safety and sustenance of yourself and your loved ones.

PPE, EMF Protection and Clothing

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), EMF protection, and appropriate clothing are essential for staying safe and comfortable in any emergency situation. This level of the Prep Pyramid focuses on items like masks, gloves, and EMF shielding devices. It also includes clothing suitable for various weather conditions and potential hazards.

Camping and Gardening

Being able to sustain yourself in the outdoors is a valuable skill. This level of the Prep Pyramid covers camping gear, survival tools, and gardening supplies. Whether you're bugging out or setting up a homestead, having the right equipment and knowledge will ensure your survival.

Fuel and Power

Access to fuel and power sources is crucial for maintaining essential functions during an emergency. This level of the Prep Pyramid includes items like fuel canisters, generators, and solar panels. By having alternative power sources, you can stay connected and keep important devices running.

Medical Supplies and Hygiene

In any emergency situation, medical supplies and hygiene products are essential for maintaining health and preventing the spread of disease. This level of the Prep Pyramid covers first aid kits, medications, and sanitation supplies. By prioritizing medical care and cleanliness, you can minimize the risk of illness and injury.

Tools and Machinery

Having the right tools and machinery can make all the difference in a survival scenario. This level of the Prep Pyramid focuses on items like multi-tools, axes, and power tools. By being equipped with the necessary tools, you can tackle various tasks and maintain your self-sufficiency.

Water Purification and Storage

Access to clean water is essential for survival. This level of the Prep Pyramid covers water purification methods and storage solutions. From water filters to water storage containers, having a reliable source of clean water is crucial for your well-being.

Food and Beverage

Stocking up on non-perishable food items and beverages is a fundamental aspect of prepping. This level of the Prep Pyramid focuses on long-lasting food options, such as freeze-dried meals and emergency ration bars. By having an ample supply of nutritious food, you can sustain yourself during extended periods of scarcity.


Having a safe and secure shelter is essential for survival. This level of the Prep Pyramid covers items like tents, tarps, and emergency shelters. By having a reliable shelter, you can protect yourself from the elements and create a sense of stability in uncertain times.

Community and Communications

Building a strong community and maintaining communication networks are vital for long-term survival. This level of the Prep Pyramid focuses on establishing connections with like-minded individuals and having reliable communication devices. By working together and staying connected, you can share resources, knowledge, and support.

Remember, the Prep Pyramid is a comprehensive guide to prepping, and each level is interconnected. By addressing each aspect of the pyramid, you can ensure that you are fully prepared for any situation that may arise. At The Prep Den, we are here to support you on your prepping journey and provide you with the essential products you need to thrive.