What the Hell is Going On? by Donald Lee
Why does nothing make sense?
- How can there be a "climate emergency" when the climate has not changed noticeably during my lifetime?
- How can we fight a "War on Drugs" for fifty years and the drug problem gets worse?
- How can we fight a "War on Terror" for two decades yet there's more terror than ever?
- How could there be a worldwide "pandemic" when there were no excess deaths anywhere in 2020?
- Why is the answer to every problem more power and control for governments yet they never solve the problems?
- Why is it that the real power doesn't seem to be in elected governments at all? Every government in the world seems to be taking its marching orders from the World Economic Forum?
What the Hell Is Going On?
What's the connection between all these things? Is it all just an accident? These events seem to be planned, but even if they aren't, it doesn't matter. Like pregnancy, planned or unplanned, the result is the same. Whether by accident or conspiracy, we are on the road to totalitarian slavery.
It's not hard to understand. But it's hard to believe. It is unbelievable. You have to see the evidence to believe it. That what this book is about-evidence.
Donald Lee pulls together evidence from a dozen disciplines to "connect the dots" on a web of fraud that is leading inexorably to a one-world totalitarian tyranny. That's the path we're on. But we can still get on a different path.
We're in World War III. It's a 5th generation war so it doesn't even seem like war. At its root it is a spiritual war-and spiritual wars are fought within.